Sushant Shrestha's Fundraiser

Join me and Be IMPACT!
Help create real change - fund some of the most ground-breaking projects on the planet.
Is there a new world emerging?
The obvious answer is, "yes, there is always a new world emerging." But the question inherently is seeking something deeper and is in fact asking "Is there a new world emerging that is better?" I believe this question needs to be paused for a bit because first we need to answer yet another important question, "what is my contribution to this emerging world?" Only by answering this question, can we truly answer the first one. We now live in a time when we all are called to participate in this emerging new world - all of us have a say in our collective future!
As I travel through parts of the world where modernization has yet to better the lives of people and their environment, it becomes pretty obvious that some of us can influence this emerging world more than others. Therefore, we started Integral Nepal Project with a sense of responsibility, excitement and commitment to support the emerging leaders of Nepal. Now, I am collaborating with my friends who are all working in different projects to bring about social change, and I invite you to join me in supporting these projects that are having BIG impact!
Through your donation to the MetaIntegral Foundation you will be supporting a portfolio of Integral projects. These projects are being lead by some of the world's top Integral thinkers, experts in their field, who are forging new pathways to solve wicked problems. Through their work they are empowering the human family in the MOST compassionate, rational, and sustainable ways. Their projects cover a wide range of issues that span the Globe in such as fields as Psychology and Spirituality, Leadership and Development, Business and Economics, Culture and Worldviews, Healthcare and Medicine, Ecology and Sustainability.
If we truly want to have real IMPACT in the world - we need to apply methods and principles that are embracing a generous big-picture approach weaving together multiple perspectives in a comprehensive and inclusive way. Help us produce greater change, long-lasting change for a thriving civilization.
Just a small donation will go a long way!